Global Partners Africa

Global partners

Husk Power systems


Husk Power Systems (HPS) provides end-to-end renewable energy solutions by installing, operating 25-100 kW “mini power-plants” and wiring villages that deliver solar and biomass-based electricity as a “pay-for-use” service to villages of up to 2,000 inhabitants.
HPS is a globally recognized company with footprint in India, Nepal, Uganda, and Tanzania.

India has a serious shortage of electricity and people living in villages suffer the most. 100’000 villages lack grid power altogether with 25’000 villages declared by the government as unviable to connect to the grid. Even where the grid extends, supply is unreliable and does not reach all households. India’s electricity consumption is expected to double by 2020. To achieve economic growth of 9 percent, the country’s energy supply will need to rise by 6.5 percent annually.

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